Where did they go? (Shiloh's favorite expression.)
We are still alive and well. Though we have no posted anything on here since September life has been very full for us. We had a year end letter ready but never got around to posting it. Sorry. Many of you received a snail mail copy of the letter and for those who did not we are sorry.
Shiloh is almost 15 months old! He is such a joy and delight. His favorite thing to do is to run around throwing, kicking and dribbling balls, balloons and anything else that is round. He astounds us with his ability to run and kick. Some see a soccer star in the making. Ha!
Shiloh has also become very fond of reading books, trying to say words, wearing our clothes (see picture above) and yes, still loves cats. We are so thankful for the gift of laughter that he is in our lives and often watch in awe, wondering what this little man will become.
Dana continues to watch little Isabel three days a week at home.
Tim continues to seek a balance in life at home and work. Beginning next week he is transitioning back to a part time position at Sholom after many months of mostly full time work. His new position is Monday-Friday, 6am-10am, as well as being on-call. This is very exciting as his wrists continue to be greatly affected by carpal tunnel syndrome.
He will continue leading the non-denominational services at Sholom every other Sunday. This has been such a blessing and Tim looks forward to it every time. You can read some of his homilies from these services on his blog. Also on his blog you can find updates about his pottery ventures.
We are all very excited for the season that we are entering. There are some really exciting possibilities in the present and future. God continues to teach us about his kingdom and unfailing love. We continue to keep open hearts and ears to what the Holy Spirit is saying. Thank you all very much for your love, support and friendship. We are realizing more and more the blessing of meaningful relationships in this life. Peace be with you each.