Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Shana Tova! (Happy New Year!)

Shana Tova everyone!
This week marks the Jewish 'New Year' called Rosh Hashana. It is a joyful time of blessing God and blessing one another with the prayer for a sweet new year celebrated by eating honey, apples, challah bread with raisins and asking God's blessing on the coming year. We truly say, 'Shana Tova' to each of you.

Shiloh is 9 1/2 months and doing well. He has been crawling for a few weeks and is pulling himself up on things. He just cut his sixth tooth this week! He is still as cute as ever. Though we are sometimes exhausted we still love being parents and can hardly believe Shiloh will be a year old in a few months. Tim and Dana
We are doing pretty well. There are some exciting opportunities on the horizon. One exciting opportunity is that we are hoping to be part of a prayer ministry training class. This class covers a myriad of topics and will equip us to pray for people from diverse backgrounds. The class will meet every other Tuesday evening from October through May. We are looking forward to times of worship, teaching and small group prayer. Most of the folks involved are older generations so we look forward to gleaning much from their wisdom. The ministry is called All Things New.

Another opportunity that opened up is at Tim's work, Sholom Community Alliance. Even though it is based on Jewish philosophy, there is a significant number of Christians. As a result they have volunteers lead Christian services on Sunday mornings. The man who has led them for the last six years is moving and upon hearing that Tim has a theology degree the chaplain and rabbi asked if he would want to lead the services. He said yes and will lead his first one this Sunday. It is a wide open opportunity to lead the service in anyway.

Dana started her 'day care' this month and is watching our friends daughter Wednesday-Friday. The adjustment is going well although it is hard for Shiloh to share his mama. We are thankful for the opportunity to help Josh and Courtney as well as the opportunity for Dana to work from home.

Prayer Requests

Grace for Dana as she adjusts to watching Izzy and Shiloh.
Discernment for Tim as he leads services at Sholom.
Wisdom and healing for Tim who has carpal tunnel syndrome in both arms.
Open hearts as we start the prayer training in a month.
Thanksgiving for Shiloh's growth and development.
Thanksgiving for all the new opportunities in our lives.